
We’ve worked with clients large and small on both short stand-alone projects and longer retained engagements. Below are a few examples of the work we’ve done.

A tree on top of a grassy hill

Client projects

AI data centre client

Work with a group of exited entrepreneurs in the data centre industry on future ventures.

    • Strategic advisory - following eight-figure exit we supported a group of entrepreneurs in evaluating the viability of a range of concepts for new ventures

    • Fundraising - preparation of investor collateral, built pipeline of prospective investors

    • Digital - designed a new brand identity and web presence, together with supporting collateral

    • Partnerships - built network and positive reputation for client with relevant decision makers at top sector OEMs incl. NVIDIA, SuperMicro, Vast Data

    • B2B sales - provided assistance across range of B2B sales pipeline opportunities

    • Market entry and expansion - scoped and scouted for AI data centre market entry opportunities globally, driven by power price and availability

    • Horizon scanning - provision of regular Artificial Intelligence (AI) market briefings + scouting for data centre development opportunities

    • New product development - built ground-up business model for GPU cloud business, scoped team requirements, competitors

The Knepp Estate

Communications services for family-owned rural estate and pioneering rewilding project.

    • Digital - full-service digital marketing includes. social media management, website development, SEO and regular reporting to the family

    • Public relations - press releases and media liaison

    • Print - coverage in daily national newspapers incl. The Guardian & Evening Standard

    • TV and radio - supporting radio appearances on BBC Radio (4 & 6), variety of TV interviews

    • Crisis communications - provided advice and guidance on issues with potential reputational impact

    • B2C sales - supported estate's eco-tourism, accommodation, restaurant and retail shop businesses with variety of initiatives to drive increased sales

    • Customer engagement - initiated a range of projects to focus the estate's businesses on greater customer engagement

The Ecology Co-op

Re-brand, re-launch and ongoing marketing support for group of ecology consultants.

    • Digital - re-design and re-launch of brand identity, collateral and web presence, ongoing social media and pay-per-click strategy and management

    • B2B sales - drove a fresh, professional approach to bidding on tenders, including design and collation of professional bid documentation, supervising site visits, collecting feedback

    • Market entry and expansion - helped launch a range of new ecological services from Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and Rewilding to wintering bird surveys

    • New product development - supported launch into new market segments including Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG), rewilding and wintering bird surveys nationwide

Large cap European logistics

Evaluation of new venture viability with large European logistics company’s innovation lab.

    • Strategic advisory - evaluated viability of new venture concepts within logistics industry, including li-ion battery recycling and computer vision for distribution centre operations

    • Digital - development and delivery of pitch materials for new ventures, including video briefing for board and prospective partners

    • Partnerships - engaged port owners for viability assessment of battery recycling business

    • B2B sales - scoped market sizing in Europe vs China, forecast battery recycling volumes

    • Market entry and expansion - worked with in-house analysts on predicting battery volumes in global markets and prioritised rollout accordingly

    • Complex operations - detailed competitor research fed into blueprint for battery recycling plant operations at port-side, incl. associated technologies (eg. thermal runaway monitoring through computer vision, novel fire suppression systems, battery type indexing, state of charge detection)

    • Horizon scanning - worked to identify future evolution of belt-driven logistics industry within mining / aggregates and logistics / distribution segments

    • New product development - built first plan for new battery recycling logistics service

Blackdown Advisory - Family Office

Family office

Long-term engagement with London based family office across portfolio of ventures.

    • Strategic advisory - investigation of new ventures within digital and physical experience and aviation / aerospace / UAV markets with family office

    • Digital - launched new experience venture, built and launched brand and e-commerce enabled site, managed all social media

    • Public relations - overall responsibility for new venture and parent company's PR

    • Print - secured editorial in Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, Mail on Sunday, The Times, Sunday Times

    • TV and radio - interviews on local and national TV and radio including BBC, CNN, , ITV, Sky News

    • Crisis communications - managed comms during multiple life threatening emergencies according to company's Emergency Plan

    • B2C sales - oversight of all B2C sales operations (e-commerce, on-site, telephone)

    • B2B sales - grew corporate sales through collaboration with US partners

    • Partnerships - oversaw several successful collaborations with US partners including. NASCAR teams and high profile social media racing drivers

    • Market entry and expansion - explored establishment of subsidiary ventures in Australia and New Zealand

    • Customer engagement - responsible for customer troubleshooting and feedback into revised service provision

    • Complex operations - oversight of complex, multi-site fixed wing and rotary flight operations (c. 10-20 aircraft)

    • New product development - pioneered use of 360-video product line, increasing company revenues by c. 10%

E-commerce startup

Re-brand and re-launch of sustainable homewares e-commerce business.

    • Digital - re-design and re-launch of brand identity, collateral and web presence, ongoing social media management

    • Public relations - managed successful PR launch campaign

    • Print - secured coverage in range of targeted, niche magazine publications and gift guides

    • TV and radio - secured coverage on BBC 6 Music resulting in 1,200% sales increase

    • B2B sales - drove successful launch into range of B2B retail clients across south of UK

    • B2C sales - successful development, launch and ongoing management of B2C e-commerce operations and associated sourcing and logistics

    • Customer engagement - ongoing direct customer engagement, looping insights directly into new product development

    • New product development - established New Product Development (NPD) and prototyping studio, developed new techniques for laser scanning and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) replication of handmade originals

Renewable energy client

Public affairs and supply chain development projects for offshore wind sector client.

    • Strategic advisory - assisted in development of UK supply chain strategy for major Northern European offshore wind developer, including site selection and visits, partner identification and vetting, supplier fora

    • Public affairs - government relations intermediary, political and market briefings, policy monitoring, regulatory intelligence

    • Market entry and expansion - direct UK market entry support, strategic planning of optimised European footprint based on long-term market development forecasting

E-commerce SME

Work with e-commerce founder on operational efficiency, strategy and fundraising support.

    • Strategic advisory - assessment of current operations and planning for future growth

    • Fundraising - creation of investor collateral, built pipeline of prospects

    • Digital - review of paid media activities, recommendations on natural search, PR and content

    • B2C sales - work to segment customer base to enable more targeted marketing activity

    • B2B sales - advice and guidance on B2B segment

    • Partnerships - suggested potential brand collaborations for increased exposure

    • Market entry and expansion - evaluation of opportunities to expand into new European markets

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